Shipyard Business in Bangladesh

Bangladesh's shipbuilding business is growing. It now has over 200 shipyards and is becoming known for making high-quality ships. While ferries, cargo ships, and passenger ships that travel the country's many waterways mostly serve the local market, Bangladeshi shipyards are starting to export more and more.

Their main focus is on smaller ships (under 12,000 DWT), where they can compete well because they can find skilled workers at low cost. Because of this benefit and help from the government, Bangladesh could compete with big countries like China, Japan, and South Korea.

The yearly worth of the business is thought to be around USD 1 billion. This amount is likely to go up even more as domestic demand keeps going up and more export deals are made. But there are still problems. There is a lot of competition in the world market, and many shipyards don't have the tools they need to build bigger ships.

Bangladesh's shipbuilding industry has a lot of potential, and it's on track to become a big part of the country's economy and a major player in the world market for small and medium-sized ships.

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